The first part of manifesting is the fun part. This is when we daydream and wish and think about what we want. We imagine it coming into our lives and how much better it will be when we get it.

While it IS fun, there is an important element that we have to consider here – the WHY. What this means is, think about why you really want something. How will having this goal enrich your life? What will it allow you to do? How will it allow you to feel?

When we connect with this ‘why’ everything falls into place.

There are many reasons why the ‘why’ is so important. Firstly, it allows you to feel your goal and embody that feeling and vibration. This energy vibration or energy signature is what the universe picks up on. If that goal brings happiness, we will begin to attract more happiness to ourselves. That’s how the law of attraction works!

Secondly, finding our ‘why’ helps us get into alignment with our goal because we better understand why we want it, not just that we do want it. When we feel into the ‘why’, we start to live in alignment with it because we know it helps us to get there quicker.

Thirdly, it allows us to take more inspired action to achieve our goal. Think about someone who does a half-hearted job on something. There clearly isn’t a lot of focused intention behind it, likely because they don’t care enough. They aren’t strongly connected enough with why they are doing it.

Alternatively, think about someone who excels at a job. It’s likely that they take care with each task they undertake and think about what they are doing. They are strongly connected to why they are doing that job and care about how it turns out.

So when things feels like hard work, reconnect with your ‘why’ and watch everything change.