In today’s world of interconnectedness, Instagram and influencers, it is easy to forget who we actually are and what we really want.
In the manifestation world, it is not so much about setting goals, but more about who you want to be.
If you want to level up your year, decide who you want to BE, rather than what you want to have.
You see, your goals are simply a reflection of your identity. And a goal will only be realised if you have the identity to match it.
It’s more about BEING, than DOING.
You can DO all the ‘right things’ and still not achieve your goals. Why? Because when you can BE the person you need to be, your identity shifts and with that, so do your actions. This has much more of a long-term focus than just ‘doing’ something to achieve your goal. Plus, it allows for even more growth.
Are you following?
Let’s reverse engineer it and say that you want to have a successful business. What are some traits of successful business people?
- Open minded
- Driven
- Motivated
- Brave
These traits then become the identity that needs to be embraced to be successful, not the actual outcomes themselves.
Following that, if you want to have a successful business, then you may need to BE:
- Open to new ideas
- Prepared to put in the hard work
- Motivated to try something different
- Brave enough to fail and still try again
See the difference? When you see yourself as being successful, your actions will then follow, because our identity shapes our actions.
- You will see yourself as someone who is ok with failing and so you will try again.
- You will become more open to talking to new people and reading about new trends.
- You will work even when you don’t need to, because you love it.
You will begin to show up as someone who is successful and do what it takes.
This is the identity of someone who is successful, and when you are person who has this identity, you will then be motivated to DO the things to make you successful.
The goal almost becomes secondary because these traits have become who you are. They become your identity.
Let’s look at weight loss. If your goal is to lose weight, then you may need to BE:
- Motivated to go to gym
- Mindful about what you eat
- Prepared to go without some of the things you love
- Dedicated to an exercise regime
If you adopt these traits, you begin to take on the identity of someone who is losing weight, and this mindset shifts your actions. This becomes so much easier than battling with motivation every day and it produces a much longer lasting result.
Our subconscious controls so much of what we do, and so until we can change how we think about ourselves, there can be no lasting change. Motivation and logic can only take us so far.
Change your mindset first and the action will follow.
If you are struggling and you catch yourself focusing too much on the outcome, go back to the identity and see where you are holding yourself back. What part of your new identity are you resisting, and why?
Remember, your goal is a reflection of your identity so become the person you want to be this year.